Image Source: www.twine.com/.../complexity-710641.jpeg
Cellular biological materials have intricate interior structure, self-organized in hierarchies to produce modularity, redundancy and differentiation. For example foam geometries of cellular materials offer open and ductile structural system that are strong and permeable, making them an attractive paradigm for the developments in material science and for new structural system in architecture and engineering.
Source: www. mrsec.uchicago.edu/Comp_in_Sci/schedule_old.shtml
In recent years new strategies for design and new techniques for making materials and large construction have emerged based on biological models of the processes by which natural material forms are produced.

Fig left: Typical functional building mass-
representing ‘60-’70 style
Fig right: Now architect in the world is trying to incorporate at least some
green building principles into each new building design
because this is what the world demands.
Image Source:www.bdonline.co.uk/Pictures/468xAny

Fig Left : A scanning electron micrograph of normal human cancellous
(spongy) bone.
Source: www.scienceclarified.com/.../uesc_09_img0522.jpg
Fig Right: Soap Bubble , like cell membranes, is made of long molecules.
One end of the molecule mixes easily with water (a property
known as "hydrophilic"), the other end doesn't (a property
known as "hydrophobic").
Source: www.exploratorium.edu/.../hex-bubbles-sm.jpg

Fig : electron microscope image, showing normal bone architecture
Source: www.scielo.br/img/fbpe/sa/v56n3/n3a30f1.gif
What is a Solid Foam?
Solid foams are cellular materials, i.e. materials which are made up from a framework of solid material surrounding gas-filled voids (bubbles). Solid foams can be 100 times lighter than the equivalent solid material.
Natural solid foams include wood, bone and sea sponges. The bee's honeycomb is a two-dimensional cellular structure:
Recent developments in metal foams, especially aluminium, have produced a new class of lightweight materials,
which are excellent energy absorbers. This property is useful in reducing the impact of a car crash.

Fig Left:The surfactants incorporated in the foam structure
stabilize it by increasing its flexibility, and inhibiting the
bulk liquid drainage
Source: www.d-foam.com/Foam.html
Fig Right:Image of trabecular bone structure in human vertebrae
Source: www.aamacdowell@lbl.gov

Image Source: www.palaeo-electronica.org/2006_1/sponge/fig4.htm
Figure 4.1-4.26. 1. Gaudryina accelerata Natland. Trapped specimen. Shipek grab TUL99A015, sponge fraction. 2-3. Gaudryina accelerata. Loose specimen. 2. side view. 3. oblique view showing aperture. Surface of IKU sample TUL99A07 ("forams"), sponge fraction. 4-5. Gaudryina subglabrata Cushman and McCulloch. Trapped and impaled specimen. 4. oblique view showing apertural end. 5. side view. Shipek grab TUL99A018 sponge. 6. Gaudryina subglabrata. General view of loose specimen. Shipek grab TUL99A018, <1 mm. 7. Karreriella bradyi (Cushman). Side view, loose specimen. Slurp gun sample SLRP4775, <1 mm. 8. Karreriella bradyi. General view of specimen removed from meshwork showing scars due to the presence of spicules. Triggerweight core TUL99A010, 85-88 cm depth, >1 mm. 9-10. Karreriella bradyi. Trapped and impaled specimen. 9. side view (aperture at bottom). 10. oblique view showing aperture just above a spicule. Shipek grab TUL99A016 sponge fraction. 11. Karreriella bradyi. Trapped specimen. Aperture is hidden behind the vertical spicule at the front. Shipek grab TUL99A017 sponge fraction. 12-13. Martinottiella pallida (Cushman). 12. side view of loose specimen. 13. close-up of aperture. Slurp gun sample SLRP4772 <1 mm. 14-15. Martinottiella pallida, impaled on sponge spicules. 14. apertural (or foraminal) view. 15. side view. The two dark circles on the sides of the specimen of Figure 4.15 are the broken ends of spicules crossing the test. Shipek grab TUL99A018, sponge fraction. 16-17. Placopsilina sp., growing attached to sponge meshwork. 16. side view; the aperture is at the right end and faces to the right. 17. close-up of aperture. Triggerweight core TUL02A20, sample 0-3 cm, >1 mm. 18. Telammina fragilis Gooday and Haynes. Five chambers attached to sponge meshwork. Shipek grab TUL99A015, sponge fraction. 19. Telammina fragilis. Four chambers with stolon-like connections between chambers. Triggerweight core TUL99A010, 85-88 cm depth, >1 mm. 20-21. Telammina fragilis. Five chambers on sponge meshwork. 20. general view. 21. close-up of broken stolon between the last 2 chambers of Figure 4.20. Triggerweight core TUL99A010, 85-88 cm depth, >1 mm. 22. Indeterminate arenaceous ball. Foraminifer? Isolated chamber of T. fragilis? Slurp gun sample SLRP4771, sponge fraction. 23. Indeterminate arenaceous ball. Foraminifer? Slurp gun sample SLRP4771, <1 mm. 24. ?Tolypammina sp. (possibly Tolypammina schaudinni Rhumbler) attached to meshwork (behind) and on a trochamminid (below). Shipek grab TUL99A017, sponge fraction. 25. ?Tolypammina sp. (possibly T. schaudinni) attached to meshwork. Shipek grab TUL99A015, sponge fraction. 26. ?Tolypammina sp. (possibly T. schaudinni) attached on meshwork. Shipek grab TUL99A017, sponge fraction.
Source: http://palaeo-electronica.org/2006_1/sponge
Oram leaves- Deep looking in Nature . . .

Image Source: www.manager-magazin.de/img/0,1020,299655,00.jpg
page 291,297
- Its srtuctural stiffness
- Anti water absorbent physics
Self Academic Research Project- Strcutural Parametrics
Studio Xtos, by Hasan Ahmed, Dia_WS_2008-09.

Molecular Structuralization
The process, known as ‘free living radical polymerization,’ can produce honeycomb structure at a molecular level, although the controlled formation of the honeycomb morphology at larger scale Is still in research.

Fig Left: Soap bubble
Fig Right: Structural formation_ Metal foam
Source: www.azom.com/images/
Water Cube, Beijing China

New expressions- Water Cube, Beijing China
he change in technology and technique not only allows for a change but in addition these techniques might allow engineers, architects and designer to program their structures to the needs of site and inhabitant in an much better way within reasonable planning efforts and probably gain for more identity giving ndividualised buildings.
Instead of combining solid materials to elements of higher complexity, the computer controlled manufacturing will reduce the complexity of the building process and ight end up in buildings, which achieve today’s demands in terms of insulation, water and sound resistance, as well as comfort in a better way. This provides the chance to ain new construction methods which achieve sustainability; are sparing in the use of materials and energy and enable new architectural expressions.

Fig : The Olympic Swimming Pool at Beijing resembles a
foam structure. The non-standard construction was developed
within a parametric model, based on evolutionary strategies.
Source: www.rtejournal.de/.../1109/dippArticle-11.jpg
So, the building became an boxy grid that's broken down into precise, irregularly shaped "chunks." What to do now? What to cover it with? Well, they decided to go with a space-age material (literally) that has made an appearance in a few buildings already. (The most famous of those now is Herzog and de Meuron's Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany. The brilliance in Munich is that this stadium is shared by two teams and can be lit blue or red, depending on which team is hosting a game.)
The design is just brilliant and obscure. The inspiration? A bunch of bubbles. Yes, a bunch of bubbles. Apparently, bubbles have a couple of ways they naturally arrange themselves, and each provides great stability. The team started running with it. How to make these bubbles? Will it be as stable as expected? Well, bring on the computers. There was some analysis to be done.
Source: www.hawtaction.com/2008/08/olympic-building.

Source: www.grandbuild.ashui.com/tag/etfe
This material is called ETFE, a translucent plastic. It lets in more light and solar heat than glass, which heats the building and cuts energy costs by 30%. Thirty percent! The bubble-grid is wrapped in the ETFE (as you can see above.) On the outside, though? It wasn't a simple wrapping. Because each of the "bubbles" was a unique shape, each ETFE covering had to be cut precisely, sewn into a pillow and inflated.
Once they are set up, they can be lit by LEDs (light emitting diodes) that allow the bubbles to be colored whatever color God wants them to be. Each of those pillows has a hose hooked into the back of it that maintains the pillow's pressure. Each pillow, in fact, has sensors it uses to measure the pressure and turn on that hose if necessary.
Other Examples :
The attractiveness of this method will even rise, when composite materials can be produced within a 3D-Print process. For instance a material composed of an inner light and aeriferous and thus insulating material and outer solid substrate, giving form and water tightness, would be self-evident. The total prescience of the structure and their properties allows furthermore for adoption and calculation at a local level due to the usage of high developed IT-techniques.

Fig. : Structures from Nature, as the porous but yet stable
bone, or the fractal structure of shark skin may serve as
blueprint for the formation of the interior and exterior of
printed walls
Source: www.rtejournal.de/.../1109/dippArticle-6.jpg
The Center for IT and Architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine arts School of Architecture deals to a great extend with this idea of programmable materials. This idea is initially implemented in textile fabrics, which can be produced in myriads of different structures, colours and shape. Furthermore they have been bespoken for all times – being the forerunner for individualised customizing. Today’s interactive textiles can be produced which not only emit energy or light within the fabrics layer. By combining textiles with shape memory materials textiles can even be accentuated, which will permit a broad range of new applications. Structures produced with RP-Technology might have a similar destiny in the future, as the technology offers control down to the smallest parts of the structure.
Minimizing the complexity
In some cases case, when the scaling of 3d-Printingtechnology succeeds. Research done at the University of Southern California shows the potential application of large scale 3d-PrintingTechnology to produce structures the size of a house.

Fig. 5: Sliver – interactive Textile,
which is enabled to get in contact with
its surrounding due to its ability to emit
lightsignals made by Mette Ramsgrad
Thomesn (head of CITA)
Source: www.rtejournal.de/.../1109/dippArticle-5.jpg
This scaling of 3D-Print technology will ease the building process – whenever different layers of a structure had to be mounted manually before, a 3D-Printing technology permits not only the processing of formerly unbuildable shapes in large scale, but also inhabits costly faults, which occur inevitably within the manual assembly of composite materials on the building site.
Stabilight Bridge project

Fig : Stabilight Bridge project – John William –
University of Bath Great Britain
Such a parametric design process gives the building industry a powerful tool to handle the complexity to a far better extend. Within a parametric process, the geometry of the building is fully or in part processed by a program, which is dependent on parameters. This might be a higher level hierarchy of a superstructure, necessities of construction, results from simulation tools or aesthetic considerations. All of those parameters have in common that a multitude of changes within a system of relating geometries and properties can be achieved by a slight change of e.g. one external parameter. Furthermore structure itself can be generated and optimised by self-learning systems, which in some cases lead to unpredicted results, as seen in the so called Stabilight-Bridge –project, wherein the form of a new bridge made was solely calculated by optimised force distribution.
Source: www.rtejournal.de/.../1109/dippArticle-9.jpg
Jellyfish House

Fig. Jellyfish House - Iwamoto Scott architects–
Tiling of the structure processed with parametric software
Image Source: www.rtejournal.de/.../1109/dippArticle-8.jpg
Individualised concepts in architecture often lead to complex form. In order to to gain full control of the process of their making, not solely the right technology but especially the appropriate Tools and techniques have to be invented. Only mature CAD Systems are able to control the amount of complex geometry and dependencies which is for instance necessary to build a curved glass facade. A shift from a modular but 2D- Drawing approach, still common to architectural practice, towards the parametric generation of 3D-Data describing the individual parts to be built, is necessary.
Source: www.rtejournal.de/.../1109/dippArticle
Structure Optimisation_Cancellous Bone Tissues: High Strength to Weight ratio

Fig. Microscopic structure bones
An interesting example of lightweight, redundant and highly-differentiated structures in nature, which drive the biomimetic research in order to derive morphological and performance properties that will inform the design process of our project, is found in bone tissues, especially bird skulls tissues.
Skulls in general are extraordinary impact-resistant structures and extremely light at the same time as they protect the most important organs of an animal body and this performance and physical property can be applied in structure or architecture design. ‘Lightweight’ can be defined by the ratio of the active or life load is carried over its dead load, being the longer the better; in other words, the more loads a structure can carry with least structural inherent weight, the better. Most of the bone tissues, especially in larger song bird skulls, are build up from non-directional spongiosa cells, which mean they are configured by pneumatized cells that allow air voids between solid material areas reducing the overall weight of the structure without affecting its strength. The resultant configuration of the system is a highly strong and highly lightweight material system where the main structural performance relies on different cell components that are integrated into a major pneumatized system and it is not focalized just on the outer layer. In fact, the bone tissues of song bird skulls are formed by very thin external lamellas that enclose a sponge cancellous tissue.
In the case of small song bird’s skulls such as Carrion Crows and Magpies, the configuration is based on elongated differentiated cells in a single or two-story air-package area. This morphological configuration provides an acoustic function distributing air at the inner layer but also determines a light and strong structure. The regional cells then are distributed in a manner that can provide a multi-function performance.In regards to material properties, bone’s tensile strain (0.011 N/m2) and compression strain (0.015 N/m2) is quite similar to a wide range of synthetic resins as it is shown on the Resin’s structural performance chapter, relating the material investigation to Biomimetic research in terms of generating achieving a similar structural capacity of bones both in a material level and a morphological level at the same time.
Source: www.andres.harris.cl/.../2007/10/bonetissues.jpg

Sources: Www.andres.harris.cl/.../2007/10/bonetissues.jpg

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