Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kunststoffe, frei Formen und Nachhaltigkeit

Anmerkungen zum Ressourcenmanagement nach dem MIPS-Konzept

The development of the society and of the economy brings us to use more and more natural ressources.

This ressources are used because of the human need of satisfaction.

Each central european uses in one year about 80 ton of natural ressources.

MIPS- concept

MiPS(Material Intensity Pro Serviceeinheit)

Mips institute was established in 2004. In the centre of their concept

is the Enviroment, they try to use more forceful wastages of the primary production of the

raw materials till the Recyceln and Downcyceln.

The question is what exactly is sustainable development and does synthetic materials

have a part to the sustainability as it develope further?

Sustainable developments are used more like an image and selfsatisfying atribut, so it is

very often missused. The natural building materials like wood and stones are not necessary sustainablematerials, and the synthetic materials like aluminium and other plastics are not really in an ecological way made.

In the need for the occorence of sustainability humans have to lear how to

harness their existing resoursses and refrain from borrowing from the planet.

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